Ensure your pool is safe with Pool Safe Mildura
Are you a swimming pool or spa owner?
Under Victorian Building Regulations owners of pools and spas are required to register their pool with council and have it inspected and certified for compliance. These regulations changes came into effect as of December 2019 to improve swimming pool safety and restrict access to the pool area by young children.
Pool Safe Mildura is here to help you ensure your barrier complies with these regulations. Contact us today to discuss your barrier and book an inspection.
Follow our Step By Step Guide guide to gain compliacne for your Swimming pool.
If you know when your pool was constructed use the VBA’s self assessment checklists to understand the safety requirement of your barrier.
Checklist 1
For pools and spas installed before 8th April 1991.
Checklist 2
For pools and spas installed between 8th April 1991 and 30th April 2010.
Checklist 3
For pools and spas installed from 1 May 2010.